Challenging behaviour workshops for parents and carers at Achieving for Children (AfC) on 15th and 16th November

Are you concerned about your child’s behaviour at home?

Would you like to talk to a member of our Educational Psychology or Emotional Health teams about this?

Achieving for Children would like to invite you to one of the following workshops:

For parents of children, 3 to 7 years:

Thursday 15 November, 2018, 9.30am to 12.30pm The Moor Lane Centre, Moor Lane, Chessington KT9 2AA

For parents of children, 8 to 12 years:

Friday 16 November, 2018, 9.30am to 12.30pm Heatham House, Whitton Road, Twickenham TW1 1BH

  • Morning overview
  • Welcome and networking
  • Focus on achievable next steps
  • Discussion, and questions and answers
  • Consultations: group and one-to-one

Please contact Achieving for Children (AFC) to book your free place.

T: 020 8547 6698 (Monday to Thursday) E: [email protected]

Places are limited so must be booked in advance please.