If you are a parent of an ADHD child, our services can help support you today:
✓ Our Post Diagnosis workshops help you understand everything about ADHD if your child has been recently diagnosed
✓ Our Seminars by experts in their field cover all aspects of ADHD to help you support your child
✓ Our Advice Clinics provide you with one to one specialist advice from our ADHD experts on challenges that you are struggling to overcome
✓ Our website is full of the latest resources and information on ADHD
✓ Our video library is packed full of Webinars on all topics related to ADHD
✓ Our Newsletter goes out every 2 weeks and is full of useful information for children and young people with ADHD
✓ Meet-ups to meet other ADHD parents are hosted by one of our representatives with direct experience of ADHD
✓ We have created a parent community on Facebook which is a welcoming and empathetic group of people that understand family life with ADHD. Our Facebook Closed Forum offers; a safe space to share and for you to talk, ask questions and share ideas; fellow supportive parents of children and young people with ADHD; a FB group moderated by our Family Support Lead and Educational Liaison Volunteer. Being able to converse with other people who can recognise and understand your family experiences can be incredibly powerful and offer a sense of relief.