The EHCP states what additional needs are required to support a child within an educational setting to help them with the learning process. It also indicates support required for their health and social care needs, if applicable. This is a legal binding document. Guidance
There is a recent change to SEN Regulations which means that the SEN Tribunal can now deal by way of recommendations with Health and Social Care aspects of child’s needs in an EHCP when an education issue is being appealed
“What’s the right school for my child?” KIDS Richmond and Kingston Sendiass video of parents and professionals and the process that is involved when naming a school in an Education Health and Care Plan.
The EHCP Journeys website is also a useful guide
If your child is not progressing through Special Educational Needs Support (formally School Action or School Action Plus) it may be worth starting the assessment process to access additional support. Speak to your child’s teacher or Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). All mainstream schools have one. They can look at having your child assessed. Alternatively you request this directly by contacting: SEN Department, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ
Achieving for Children has links on how to apply for an EHCP + the Personal Budget form
Find out more about Personal Budgets
Whether your child has a Statement of SEN, is approaching their annual review or perhaps you are about to apply for an Education, Health & Care Plan… here are the places, locally, to go for help, advice and support.
Click this logo for details about the Independent Support Partnership (ISP) in Richmond & Kingston. They provide a friendly and flexible service over telephone, e-mail, or can arrange to meet you at a place that suits you. ISP is the first point of contact for new EHCPs or conversions from Statements of SEN.
Name | Independent Support Partnership (ISP) |
[email protected] | |
Telephone | 020 8831 6076 |
Website | |
The Parent Partnership Service (now called SEND Information & Advice Service) is delivered by KIDS across Richmond and Kingston. They provide advice, guidance and support for SEN families. They can help you with existing Statements of SEN as well as transfers and new EHC Plans. Opening hours are 10am to 5pm – 51 weeks of the year. Email: [email protected] or telephone: 020 8547 6200 or 020 8831 6179
RUILS offer an ECHP serice. Contact 020 8831 6179 or email [email protected]
IPSEA – Independent Parental Special Education Advice offers some really useful info.
You can also post questions to:
SEND FamilyVoice has a Guide to SEN EHCP HEALTH Also read their Golden Booklet on EHCP
Having a diagnosis does not in itself mean that a child must have an EHCP. The levels are:
1) quality first teaching (differentiation and reasonable adjustments) things that the school can do within its normal budget that will enable the child to make appropriate levels of progress across the 4 areas of needs (cognition and learning / communication and interaction / social, emotional & mental health / sensory and physical)
2) SEN Support – where a child has needs that go beyond things that the class or subject teachers can provide and where a SENCo and additional resource is needed to provide additional support up to a notional budget of £6000.00. At this level the children MUST have some sort of written SEN support plan which is monitored and reviewed every term (as per the code of practice). This could look like an IEP – but would not necessarily be the same thing.
3) EHCP – where the child has needs that the school cannot meet within the £6000.00 notional delegated amount for SEN support and therefore needs top up funds from the LA to enable the child to progress. This MUST be reviewed at least once per year at the annual review meeting.
None of these requires the child to have an IEP. In case 2 & 3 the child should have a written plan which contains a summary of needs, outcomes the child is working towards and provision that the school or other professionals are making. The school MAY use an IEP or similar document to monitor progress towards short term goals – but there is nothing in the legislation that requires them to do so.
So the short answer is that there is no definitive link between diagnosis and the level of support (i.e. quality first teaching / SEN support or EHCP) – it depends on the assessed needs of the child in making appropriate levels of progress for that child (which is different to a diagnosis). Similarly there is no rule that says that a child must have an IEP in any of these levels – the school may choose to use one to track short term progress for a child with SEN support or EHCP – but it is not necessary.