1 Dec: Meet MPs @vincecable @EdwardJDavey to discuss #ADHD & #Send 1230-1430 @doubletree #KingstonUponThames

1 Dec: Meet MPs @vincecable @EdwardJDavey to discuss #ADHD & #Send 1230-1430 @doubletree #KingstonUponThames 

The aim is to allow the MPs to understand the extent and seriousness of the issues faced by families as a result of the 2014 SEND reforms and cuts to education budgets. If you wish to contribute it would be very helpful if you could send a precis of your experiences/concerns to: Alexhardy@ruils.co.uk or Penny@sendfamilyvoices.org

Book your ticket @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/send-forum-tickets-38335644946