Our #ADHD weekly Newsletter is out incl. our 4 June Club for 6yrs+ & 12 June Talk on #Sleep

Hello. Your ADHD Richmond Management Commitee voted, on Tuesday, to become an Unincorporated Association offering services for Richmond & Kingston residents with our Talks being open to all Boroughs. You are now a member of this Association.
The Management Committee has written a Constitution and Financial Rules which are available to read via email: [email protected]
Read more about us here
June 4: We’ve made some changes to our new Monday Club. As from 4 June children from 6 yrs upwards are welcome (parents of those UNDER 11yrs MUST stay until 3.45pm)
If you have children between 11-14 yrs they can stay on after 3.45pm until 7pm for inclusive activities.
Please email now to book your child in for Monday 4 June. Thanks e: [email protected]
June 4: Trouble with your teenager? These parenting courses will give you some tools to cope. They’re not ADHD specific but could be useful to you generally:
Whitton Youth Zone 0930-1130 Time out for teenagers Whitton YZ June 2018
King Charles Centre, Surbiton 1000-1200 Time out for teenagers KCC June 2018
Contact: Karen Williams, Parenting Officer, Achieving for Children Phone: 020 8547 6965 / 07771974388 Email: [email protected]
June 8: Coffee & Chat for ADHD parents at Kingston Carers 1000-1200 and every 2nd Friday of the month. Just turn up and enjoy
12 June: Members have asked for this Talk because you find it’s one of the ADHD traits which is most difficult. Come and get some ideas on how to manage sleep. Book your seat/s now e: [email protected]

Please consider using our Easy FundRaising for all your online shopping e.g. Amazon, eBay, supermarkets etc … There’s no cost to you but retailers donate to us