Our friends at Lambeth ADHD support group let us know about this new research project.
Please find information below about a new project for ADHD children being conducted by Dr Johnny Downs (Dept of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry) at Kings College London. Dr Downs is part of a team of clinicians, researchers and designers (including the Royal College of Art) who are working to improve the clinical care for young people with ADHD. The team are inviting children (aged 7- 11 years) to take part in developing a wearable, watch-type device which will aid in the identification and treatment of ADHD.
All the consultations can be done from your home during lockdown and a brief outline is given below:
- May -August 2020 remote co-design sessions
- the final product will be available for families to try towards the end of the year.
- open to any boys or girls with ADHD who are able to wear a watch type device which contains a small battery
- participants will be paid £25/hour
- This is an National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded project ( https://www.fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/CS-2018-18-ST2-014)
If you would like to hear more about the project please contact Johnny Downs directly at:
Email : johnny.downs@kcl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 3228 8553 / 07951273511
Dr Johnny will be reporting back to the support group about the outcomes of his research, and we also look forward to hearing feedback from parents and children who take part.