E-Learning Resources for Unpaid Carers

Health Education England’s ‘e-Learning for Healthcare’ team have worked alongside Carers UK to develop FREE e-learning resources for unpaid carers

If you’re an unpaid carer, we hope that these resources will help you to look after your wellbeing and carry out your caring role.


Bite-sized e-learning sessions for carers, developed with expert advice from Carers UK. The resource also includes links to organisations offering more advice on topics relevant to that session. 

A downloadable resource guide that provides help on issues such as carer’s rights to benefits, support for carers and caring for those with visual or hearing impairment.

Agylia Care offers free guides and videos on care and support topics, including children’s care, learning disabilities and support for carers. The app is available to download from the App Store and Google Play. 

Article from Carers UK provides guidance for carers during the coronavirus pandemic. The article includes the latest advice for unpaid carers and links to carer FAQs. 

Register to Specialist e-Learning platform to gain access to topics such as dementia, mental health, physical disability, infection protection and end of life care. These sessions are primarily for health and care professionals, but unpaid carers may still find the content helpful.

If you’re an unpaid carer or if you know of anyone who is, we hope you can use and share these resources, especially during these unprecedented times where the care unpaid carers provide are greatly relied on.