Many parents of children with ADHD may be on the receiving end of getting one too many emails or phone calls from frustrated teachers. For others, things may run smoothly whilst at home, homework becomes a major battleground.
The reality is that the knowledge and experience of teachers and schools with dealing with pupils with ADHD varies greatly and additionally, no two children with ADHD are the same. Therefore, if your child or teen are having difficulties at school, we strongly encourage parents to listen to the feedback received from both the school and the child and piece a picture together in order to better understand the difficulties a child is experiencing and assess whether the school is meeting the child’s needs.
Once those needs have been identified, only then is it possible to put a plan together as to how your child will be supported in school.
It is in the best interest of the child, if parents and teachers work as a team. Parents should forge a strong working relationship with your child’s school SENCO, teachers and teaching assistants. Work together with the school staff and above all, communicate with them as often as possible.
Here are some education topics that may help: