Looking to find things to do to keep the kids busy? We’re here to help! We’ll keep adding to these listings so keep checking in.
Skylarks Online
Online Music Club with OKMT run by Edison, Otakar Kraus Music Trust OKMT’s Music Therapist, Edison, enables your child to interact with music in a fun exciting way. OK Music Club provides fun sessions for children with additional needs and their siblings. Exploring sound and movement, using the keyboards, to give the children an opportunity to experience different ways to explore their imagination and creativity. Fun group music sessions, for children aged 4 months to 12 years and above, regardless of their abilities. Find out more here
Online Karate for Children run by Tony, SenseiOur karate Sensei, Tony, is pleased to bring his karate moves to you! You can practise these moves in the comfort of your own home. Tony will teach you how to warm up safely, to do your stretches and then practise your punches and blocks. You may also learn how to count to 10 in Japanese! Please find a space to use without any dangers and dress comfortably in loose clothing. Find out more here
Skyarks are also running yoga, arts and crafts sessions, find all their activites here
Creative home learning – from the Royal Opera House, to your house!
Whether you’re looking for simple activities, a creative home-schooling project, or theatrecraft fun, Create and Learn invites you to explore the magical world of the theatre from home. All of our new resources are free to access and do not require you to login. Find out all about it here
Cassie and her team from Knots Arts are making story-time videos for our children. Videos are now available on their website and a new video will be released each week. Find them here