New #Disability Champion in @LBRUT . @RobOCarroll1 will be meeting #ADHD #RichmondUponThames soon

New #Disability Champion in @LBRUT . @RobOCarroll1 will be meeting #ADHD #RichmondUponThames soon

Richmond Borough’s disabled community will have a new voice on the Council with the announcement of a new Disability Champion, Councillor Rob O’Carroll


This is the first time Richmond Council has had a dedicated Disability Champion as it works to make the borough accessible for everyone who lives and visits here.

The Disability Champion will work with the Cabinet Member for Equality, Communities and the Voluntary Sector to inform the Council’s approach to supporting and advocating for the borough’s disabled community.

He will also work with local communities and relevant local groups to understand views of people with disabilities and ensure they inform the development of policies, commissioning and service delivery at the Council.

Cllr O`Carroll is the ward councillor for Whitton and was elected earlier this year.

He has lived in Whitton with his young family since 2011 and is particularly interested in special education and ensuring all children are given the support needed to maximise their potential.

He said:

“As a Council we are committed to making the borough accessible for everyone. We have wonderful facilities that we want everyone to be able to enjoy.

“We have the chance to champion and support inclusivity in our schools and workplaces, on our public transport, and in our libraries and open spaces.

“I am particularly passionate about ensuring our young disabled community are given the support and opportunities to be able to reach their potential and that the borough becomes an example for inclusivity in London and beyond.

“It’s a privilege to be the first Disability Champion for the Council and I look forward to working alongside the fantastic volunteer groups, and community representatives we have in Richmond to create an environment in which everyone can thrive.”

To contact the Disability Champion email: